Prof. S. N. Singh, Chair Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur. He received his Ph.D. and MTech in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK), Kanpur, India in 1995 and 1989, respectively. He has very wide experience in teaching and research in Electrical engineering. Research Interests: Distributed generation and smart grid, power system restructuring /deregulation, FACTS Technology, Optimal power dispatch and security analysis, Power system dynamics, operation and control
Dr. Bharat Singh Rajpurohit is Associate Professor in the school of Computing and Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, H.P., India. He has received PhD from IIT Kanpur in 2009 and MTech from IIT Roorkee in 2005. Dr. Rajpurohit has visited TU Dredesn on Humblodt Fellowship in 2013. He has relevant expertise for emerging electric power systems, micro-grids, energy efficiency and smart grids.
Research Interests: Renewable Energies, Power Electronics & Grid Integration of Renewable Energies, micro-grids
Dr Francisco M. Gonzalez-Longatt is currently a Lecturer in Electrical Power System at Loughborough University, UK and Vice-President of Venezuelan Wind Energy Association. He is former associate professor on Electrical and Chair of Engineering Department of UNEFA, Venezuela (1995-2009). He was formerly with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University of Manchester as PDRA. His main area of interest is integration of intermittent renewable energy resources into future power system and smart grids.
István Erlich received his Dipl.-Ing. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Dresden, Germany, in 1976 and his Ph.D. in 1983 from the same university. After his studies, he worked in Hungary, Berlin and Dresden (Germany) in different fields of power engineering. Since 1998, he is Professor and head of the Institute of Electrical Power Systems of the University Duisburg-Essen, Germany. His major scientific interest is focused on power system stability and control, modelling and simulation of power system dynamics including intelligent system applications, smart grids and renewable energy sources. He is a member of VDE and senior member of IEEE. He is also the current Chair of the IFAC Technical Committee 6.3 on Power and Energy Systems.

Damien Ernst is a Professor at the University of Liège,  where he is holding  the  EDF-Luminus  Chair  on Smart  Grids.  He received the M.S. and PhD. degrees in engineering from the University  of Liège in1 998  and   2003,  respectively.   His  doctoral  thesis   focused  on reinforcement learning  to solve control and  decision-making problems in electricity networks.  Before being Professor at the University of Liège, he was a Research Fellow of the FNRS and before this, Assistant Professor at SUPELEC, a French "Grande Ecole pour Ingénieurs". He has also held positions as visiting  researcher at CMU in Pittsburgh, ETH in Zurich and MIT in Boston. Prof Ernst is well-known for his research work  in   reinforcement  learning   and  power  system   control. He  has coauthored  more  than  200  hundred papers  and  2 books.  He has also received   numerous awards  for  his  research work.  Prof. Ernst is also regularly consulted  by  the press,  the industry and governments for his  deep understanding of the mutations the energy sector is currently facing.

Dirk Van Hertem graduated as a M.Eng. in 2001 from the KHK, Geel, Belgium and as a M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering from the KU Leuven, Belgium in 2003. In 2009, he has obtained his PhD, also from the KU Leuven. In 2010, Dirk Van Hertem was a member of EPS group at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), in Stockholm. Since spring 2011 he is back at the University of Leuven where he is an assistant professor in the ELECTA group. His special fields of interest are power system operation and control in systems with FACTS and HVDC and building the transmission system of the future, including offshore grids and the supergrid concept. He is an active member of both IEEE (PES and IAS) and Cigré. Dr. Van Hertem was the general chair of the IEEE EnergyCon 2016 conference, held in Leuven.
Luigi Vanfretti (IEEE S'03-M'10-SM'13) obtained the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in electric power engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY, USA, in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He became an Assistant Professor with the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, in 2010, was conferred the Swedish title of “Docent” in 2012, and became a tenured Associate Professor position in 2013. From 2011-2012 he was an external scientific advisor during 2011-2012 at the Research and Development Division of Statnett SF, the Norwegian transmission system operator; where he served from 2013-2014 as Special Advisor in Strategy, and from 2014-2016 as a Special Advisor in R&D Strategy and International Collaboration. He is an advocate and evangelist for free/libre and open-source software; and has recently released with his research team several open source software projects that can be found on: https://github.com/SmarTS-Lab , https://github.com/SmarTS-Lab-Parapluie/ His research interests are in the general area of power system dynamics (modeling, simulation, control and protection), while his main focus is on the development of applications of PMU data and model-based systems-of-systems engineering for power grids.
José Luis Rueda Torres received the Electrical Engineer Diploma from Escuela Politécnica Nacional, Quito, Ecuador, with cum laude honors in August 2004. From September 2003 till February 2005, he worked in Ecuador, in the fields of industrial control systems and electrical distribution networks operation and planning. In March 2005, he was awarded with a four-year scholarship from German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD, by the acronym in German) for Ph.D studies at the Institute of Electrical Energy, National University of San Juan, Argentina. Between November 2007 and April 2008, he was a guest researcher at the Institute of Electrical Power Systems (EAN, by the acronym in German), University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, supported by a DAAD short term research scholarship. In November 2009, he received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the National University of San Juan, obtaining the highest mark ‘Sobresaliente’ (Outstanding). Between August 2010 and February 2014 he worked as a postdoctoral research associate at EAN, where he is currently pursuing the ‘Habilitation’ (qualification) postdoctoral degree. Since March 2014, he is working as an Assistant Professor for Intelligent Electrical Power Grids at the Department of Electrical Sustainable Energy, Technical University Delft, Netherlands. He is vice-chair of the Working Group on Modern Heuristic Optimization (WGMHO) under the IEEE PES Power System Analysis, Computing, and Economics Committee. Dr. Rueda is member of the Colegio de Ingenieros Eléctricos y Electrónicos de Pichincha (CIEEPI), member of CIGRE, and senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE).
International Workshop on Smart Micro-Grids for Autonomous Zero-Net-Energy Communities